Aanscherpen Verkeersregels in Dumaguete?

Gestart door Deep Throat, dinsdag 5 oktober 2010, 16:03:19

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Met andere woorden, komende kerst, extra goed opletten en dan geldt uiteraard niet enkel voor Bananacreek en Josv.


Citaat van: Ketelbinkie op zaterdag 12 november 2011, 04:36:00
Met andere woorden, komende kerst, extra goed opletten en dan geldt uiteraard niet enkel voor Bananacreek en Josv.

Ja en op 4 wielen gaan............... :jajaja: :jajaja:

Of beter een taxi nemen?......... :thumb:


Fatal road accidents rising

NEARLY 12,500 road accidents have been recorded by the Philippine National Police Highway Patrol Group from January to October resulting in the death of 1,187 persons and injuries to nearly 5,000 others, Philippine National Police Highway Patrol Group director Chief Superintendent Leonardo A. Espina said.

"We're embarking on a massive road safety awareness program to prevent more deadly road crashes apart from strictly enforcing the land transportation code and other safety measures," said Espina.

The PNP-HPG recorded a total of 17,000 road accidents that killed 1,200 people and injured 5,800 last year.

Espina said their investigations showed that the cause of accidents were: human factor-9,013 or 61 percent; mechanical defect-2,150 or 14.8 percent; road condition-1,659 or 11.4 percent; overloading-1,050 or 7.2 percent; and others-697 or 4.8 percent.

Espina said they recorded 9,013 accidents due to drivers' errors; 758 cases of drunk driving; 595 cases involving drivers using their cell phones; and 1,052 cases of hit-and-run.

Over the past 10 months, the PNP-HPG has already recorded a total of 12,487 traffic accidents, 46 percent  or  5,732 took place during daytime while 54 percent or 6,755 occurred at nighttime.

Espina said 1,187 or eight percent of accidents resulted in the killing of 1,187 people while 4,858 or 30 percent led in non-fatal injuries to 4,858 others.  About 9,930 incidents or 62 percent of the total recorded road mishaps resulted in damage to properties.

The PNP-HPG noted that of the total number of road mishaps, 2,335 or 19 percent were the result of bad overtaking; 1,767 or 14 percent due to bad turning; 1,882 or 15 percent due to over-speeding; 665 or five percent due to self-accident; 557 or five percent due to drunk-driving;  437 or four percent due to use of cellular phone while driving; 748 or six percent due to hit-and-run; 731 or six percent due to overloading; 1,421 or 11 percent due to mechanical defects; and 1,200 or 10 percent due to road condition.



De gevaarlijkste landen ter wereld wat verkeer betreft en de Filippijnen doen het helemaal niet slecht.

Wereldwijd 1,25 miljoen verkeersdoden in 2013: al jaren constant (WHO)

(Met interactief kaartje.)
